“Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.” – The Matrix Just as in the Matrix, so is in hypnosis – and…
Tag: Philosophy
•*¨*•♫♪ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 ♪♫•*¨*• Out with the old, and in with the new. Bring in the New Year! A new perspective, on the same ol’ approach. 2012 is going to be a year of Illumination… If you’re lucky you’ll be one of the privileged ones who’ll get to know who your true God/ess is….
December and beyond…
Hello December – My favorite month! It’s My Birthday month, and it’s the season to indulge in commodity fetishism. Make yourself useful and sacrifice via tribute to Me! Servitude and FEMDOM worship START here: GoddessMidnight/Tribute ALL else is an afterthought. When I refer to Myself as a Greedy Bitch that I am – I certainly mean…
Esoteric FEMDOM Induction Chatline
Happy 11-11-11!!! Today being the greatest binary day of all, I am pleased to announce My 24/7 ChatLine: always ON and at a reasonable price. This is a rare occurrence, indeed, and it will last for as long as I feel like. Enjoy! CALL NOW and discuss FEMDOM Lifestyle, Esoteric Topics, Erotic Stories, Adult Subjects, Fetish Fantasies in addition…
A man Can Dream…
Rarely do I find reading emails from “prospects” worth noting, but this one has done well. And since I am in a generous kind of mood (after all, I’ve been enjoying My “Sabbatical” that’s been going on for the past few months now). I decided to use this as an example of what type of emails I…
Power Exchange: D/s
FemDom may or may not have anything to do with fetish, BDSM or sexual activities. By its very definition, it may refer to a Female who identifies Herself as a Dominant personality. I’ve learned that the art of control can be applied by Me to any situation as long as the state of My mind remains…
Entertaining the masses.
Never a dull moment in My fabulous life. Today I have received an interesting email from a segment producer of the nationally syndicated television program “The Bill Cunningham Show”. As I understand he has came across My website and was interested in talking to Me, and invited Me to appear on this new talk show… airfare and hotel…
Goddess is Good, Goddess is Great!
While I’ve been unavailable to most, I have been enjoying the service of the few very select drones who have proven to Me their usefulness and devotion. My Sabbatical has been truly sublime… I’ve practically had no need to demand anything – everything that needs to be taken care of, simply is. This fact serves as…
Kneel, Worship & Pay.
These days I am available ONLY when it is worth My time & when I am in the mood to fuck with your little heads. My regular drones know how to get My attention & follow My directions on how to session & have personal contact with Me. IF you consider yourself a “slave” and…
Happy (In)Dependence Day!
Celebrate this Fourth of July as My servant, and make yourself truly useful to Me. Show your devotion by contributing to My Rightful Independence from bothersome lowly obligations that are expected from the plebeian and proletarian class, a.k.a. you. Summer is in full swing, and you know what that means – YES! It’s summer property…
Online FemDom Sandbox
“Sweet dreams are made of this, Who am I to disagree…” I knew that branching out to the Internet would prove to be a profitable endeavour for Me, but I must say that I didn’t consider just how much My Personality & My Sensibilities would clash with what’s out there on the web in regards…
Devotional Worship: FinDom Ritual
This week’s Sunday Sermon: I’ve had a super busy week doing sessions, I must have graced at least 50 of you wannabe slaves with My Divine Presence… And I must say I am not impressed with any of you and your so called desire to serve & worship. you see, I do NOT seek you…
My Interview at the FemDomme Society
What better way to start off the month, then with another glimpse into My Fabulous Life and into My thoughts & philosophies. Now you’ll be happy to know that I’ve been a member of the FemDommeSociety.com for some time now, and I am moving up in ranks. For those of you who are ignorant to…
Know thyself!
Thank Me for I am so generous – I keep allowing you to know more, and more about Me. Of course it only makes sense, since My favorite subject to discuss is Moi, and whenever I feel like allowing you another glimpse into who I am, I do. Now you’ll be happy to know that…
Blackmail Fetish or BS?
I get emails such as this all the time: “i was wondering if Goddess would like to blackmail me so to keep me in check as her payslut”. Countless self proclaimed paypigs & paysluts have approached Me looking to be “blackmailed.” However, they all have NO clue what the fetish entails. Pay attention losers, because I…
EXCLUSIVE Article for the Domme Dose
Listen up & pay attention bitches! Here is a link to the EXCLUSIVE article I wrote for the Domme Dose: “High Limits for High Rollers” There I talk about how I offer domination sessions, as well as fetish exploitation for the TOP 1%. Roll the dice, try your luck. Also I share My opinion on what…
The Goddess is Expanding Her Realm!
I am Expanding My Empire in the Realm of Internet Presence & I am looking for a few true submissives to add to My exclusive harem. I am ONLY interested in the TOP 1% of male subs who are educated, accomplished, generous, humble & above all those who have a NEED to serve & worship…
If you’ve ever been too shy to call Me? Feeling intimidated & inadequate? Not sure what to say to Me? Wanting to Impress Me, but not knowing how? Well, it’s your lucky day – Now you have no excuse! Collect ALL of My MP3’s and Enjoy! Listen to My voice educate, guide & lure you…
Losers Need NOT Apply
Why would I – the Fabulous, Narcissistic, Self-involved, Superior Goddess – want some generic losers to serve Me? Get real, losers & common wannabes have nothing to offer. I certainly do not tolerate losers around Me in My day to day life, you need to have your shit together and be productive and useful for…
Philosophy of Greed: It’s Never Enough!
Next time you’re wondering how much you should tribute, ask yourself: how much do you need to survive? how much do you need to live comfortably? how much do you need to live in luxury? Whatever you tribute – I want MORE! It’s never enough, BUT the larger your tribute, the more pleased I’ll be…
Reality Check: online slaves & wankers alike
It’s the same ol’ thing almost every other day. I check My inbox and see some lame-ass email, from some lame-ass loser wanting to “serve” Me… blah, blah, blah is all I read and then I hit delete. Seriously, does that same old cliché work with other dommes? I seriously doubt it. That is why…
Natural Born Domina
I know I am intimidating, and I know that you are very curious about Me. Without a doubt I am VERY interesting – I am very private, mysterious, intelligent, and feared by most feeble and soft-in-the-head losers. I am the ultimate combination of Eroticism, Fetishism, and Perversion in the flesh. I am one of a kind,…
Evil Leather Goddess
From the Book of Revelations: Nudity is for slaves. And the way I see it – it’s seriously so overrated. A True Goddess does NOT need to get naked to fuck and/or rape Her slaves and piggies. She can do it just as well wearing leather – Mmm, it’s so true! I’m feeling exquisitely Cruel…
Redefined: Online Mistress/slave relationship
The main thing that I’ve learned from being online for the past few years – is that ALL men: submissive and otherwise RAREY do what they say they will, and do not have the foresight to do what is expected of them. Be it in a long-term type of scenario or short-term session. The self…
Financial Domination: In Theory & In Practice
My Philosophy of Financial Domination is simply based on the fact that I love Money! Money makes Me happy! Money puts Me instantly in a good mood! I love the way Money feels in My hand! I love the smell of Money! Money gets Me hot! Money turns Me on! Money cures whatever ails Me!…