Never a dull moment in My fabulous life. Today I have received an interesting email from a segment producer of the nationally syndicated television program “The Bill Cunningham Show”. As I understand he has came across My website and was interested in talking to Me, and invited Me to appear on this new talk show… airfare and hotel fees covered…. The episode that they’re taping in the next few days is supposedly about the different levels of control in relationships, and they’re interested in exploring the Master/slave relationship. I find this very amusing on many levels. Indeed, the Master/slave relationship is, or can be, very interesting to explore… especially to the parties involved in it directly. Too bad that I DON’T care for daytime t.v. drama for the sake of entertaining the masses…
Needless to say, I thanked him for contacting Me, and politely declined this invitation for obvious reasons. I am a very private person, and I am very picky with whom I interact on a personal level, as well as on the professional level. I do not make My life part of the “alternative” BDSM lifestyle, nor the online “domme scene”. Also, I am not sure if I’d like to expose My unconventional lifestyle and philosophical convictions as a “freakshow” to amuse the general public, and to boost ratings.
In spite of the fact that so many people these days are participating in the fantasy of this FEMDOM lifestyle and get involved in Master/slave type of relationships, still many puritanical conservatives have no clue what is going on behind the scenes. Thanks to the advent of the internet, all kinds of people (from all kinds of backgrounds) are exploring alternatives to what is considered to be the “normal” type of relationship or the normal sexual interaction. Perhaps another story this show could explore is this topic precisely – how the internet allows people to engage anonymously in all kinds of otherwise described as devious and taboo behaviors as perceived by todays society, and if they were known, those individuals involved would be certainly ostracised and shamed. Also the segment could consider what affect does this indisputable fact has on the evolution of relationships as we know it. Just a thought.
Now I am wondering: who else wants to do it? Or who else is doing it? If you’re interested, I’ll be more then happy to send you their way, while I pass. Email Me.