Goddess is Good, Goddess is Great, and Goddess is still here for She is Eternal. I am the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. All that was, all that is, and all that is to come. It’s business as usual. Time to kneel, worship, and pay. Yes, it’s that simple. slaves…
Tag: FEMDOM Goddess
There seems to be a trend going around, where slaves are interested in Mistresses who use Magic spells, who are quote on quote witches, high priestesses and satanists, ETC… Many of you have wondered IF I am a witch, a pegan, a wiccan, or a satanist, or perhaps a Vampire, Succubus, or even a DEMON…
My Demonic Blessing
Finally your prayers have been answered, in the form of the UNholy Benediction. Just as the Vatican sells Papal Blessing (Benediction Papalis), so DO I – EXCEPT My Demonic Blessing & Guidance are much MORE POWERFUL as they come directly from ME, your ONE & ONLY GODDESS. For I am the ILLUMINATRIX – fulfilling your…
My NiteFlirt PTVs Collection
Here you will find EVERY fetish file that was previously available as PTV via MyFlirtStore AND all the new files as I produce them and make them available for your enjoyment. Scroll through, find what catches your fancy, or simply just collect them all. 100+ Fetish Files! ENJOY!!!
Custom Video/Audio Requests
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 EVERYBODY!!! Most of My regular slaves know that I welcome custom video/audio requests. 5 minutes minimum at minimum $10 per minute. Videos/Audios are generally made within 72 hours after I receive payment. I mostly enjoy MINDFUCK, hypnosis, smoking, lipstick, foot worship, high heels, dangling, pantyhose, humiliation, slave training, manipulation, and FINDOM,…
your Flesh for My Fantasy.
Go ahead, OPEN IT! Hahaha, what? Are you afraid of your desires? “There is no good… There is no evil. There is ONLY flesh.” It’s time for you to explore in the further regions of experience… pain and pleasure, the two mixing together, indivisible. you will sacrifice your pride, as I drain your soul and…
Her Spell-binging Words.
“Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.” I am the High Priestess of My Demonic Gospel, and THE Goddess. While I was away on My Sabbatical for most of last year, (and some of this year) I’ve done a lot of thinking about many different things, and sharpening My skills AND My claws….
HYPNOTISM: My Magnetism & Raw Charisma
“Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.” – The Matrix Just as in the Matrix, so is in hypnosis – and…
Submit. Confess. Indulge.
The easiest and most convenient way to instantly connect with Me is via NiteFlirt. IF you still don’t know what that is, you might be asking yourself: What is it? This is what most “slaves” already know how to use & you should too! So, if you haven’t already, sign up for NiteFlirt HERE OR visit My…
I am your Illuminatrix.
Look into the darkness and see the Light, I am your Illuminatrix. The deeper you go, the weaker you become… embrace it. you are becoming what you wanted to be – you came to Me willingly because you have a need within you… it is the manifestation of your desires. Mindfucked. It’s been said that: the…
Vegas, Bitches!
Get ready to work harder and longer for Me – all you little fetish freaks, hand-humpers and slave wannabes. Here is your chance to step up! I am planning on going going to Vegas in July, and I am going to stay in a penthouse suite on the strip either at My favorite Paris (I just adore their…
Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun!
These days with the advent of anti-smoking campaigns the act of smoking is turning transgressive and taboo. But I am more then happy to indulge in that taboo, and exploit your weakness by doing what I already do multiple times per day. Oh I know, smoking is such a nasty habit, but so is wanking….
I’m feeling EVIL! Lets FUCK you up!
Kinky Tales for Dirty Perverts: Enjoy the Filth!
Today I’m feeling particularly generous and also extremely deviant, so I decided to indulge you. However, remember that everything I make available to you is as a reward for your submission and servitude to Me, your Goddess. I know how much you enjoy listening to Me talk; My lucid, sultry and demanding voice piercing your weak…
It’s not your place to tell Me what to think, how to think, how to look, how to act, how to be, or any other requirements that you might think will make Me “dominant”. From where I am standing, being in control IS doing what I like, when I like, and how I like, while…
•*¨*•♫♪ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 ♪♫•*¨*• Out with the old, and in with the new. Bring in the New Year! A new perspective, on the same ol’ approach. 2012 is going to be a year of Illumination… If you’re lucky you’ll be one of the privileged ones who’ll get to know who your true God/ess is….
Esoteric FEMDOM Induction Chatline
Happy 11-11-11!!! Today being the greatest binary day of all, I am pleased to announce My 24/7 ChatLine: always ON and at a reasonable price. This is a rare occurrence, indeed, and it will last for as long as I feel like. Enjoy! CALL NOW and discuss FEMDOM Lifestyle, Esoteric Topics, Erotic Stories, Adult Subjects, Fetish Fantasies in addition…
It’s All Hallows’ Eve: Trick or Treat?
As the seasons change honor thy Goddess Whose capricious ways never change. I am your Goddess, you are My slave. you have your fetishes and I have Mine, a.k.a. cold hard cash in My hand. So you really want to serve Me? Stand out from the herd: and to stand out, you’ll work hard and tribute…
Business As Usual
Lifestyle Domme & FinDom Goddess ❤ ❤ ❤ CLICK to HEAR My message to you! ❤ ❤ ❤ GATHER UP THE COURAGE TO CALL ME: PHONE & CAM ☎ 1-800-TO-FLIRT ext. 0379-5419 ☎ CONFESS your PERVERSIONS & INDULGE them, right here & right NOW! REQUIRED CAM ID’s *NO cam ids = NO cam sessions* Back to business as usual. My NiteFlirt…
A man Can Dream…
Rarely do I find reading emails from “prospects” worth noting, but this one has done well. And since I am in a generous kind of mood (after all, I’ve been enjoying My “Sabbatical” that’s been going on for the past few months now). I decided to use this as an example of what type of emails I…
Power Exchange: D/s
FemDom may or may not have anything to do with fetish, BDSM or sexual activities. By its very definition, it may refer to a Female who identifies Herself as a Dominant personality. I’ve learned that the art of control can be applied by Me to any situation as long as the state of My mind remains…
Entertaining the masses.
Never a dull moment in My fabulous life. Today I have received an interesting email from a segment producer of the nationally syndicated television program “The Bill Cunningham Show”. As I understand he has came across My website and was interested in talking to Me, and invited Me to appear on this new talk show… airfare and hotel…
Goddess is Good, Goddess is Great!
While I’ve been unavailable to most, I have been enjoying the service of the few very select drones who have proven to Me their usefulness and devotion. My Sabbatical has been truly sublime… I’ve practically had no need to demand anything – everything that needs to be taken care of, simply is. This fact serves as…
Life of Leisure.
To say I am on a “Sabbatical” is an understatement. I’m simply enjoying My Life of Leisure… I’ll be back as soon as I feel like it.
Kneel, Worship & Pay.
These days I am available ONLY when it is worth My time & when I am in the mood to fuck with your little heads. My regular drones know how to get My attention & follow My directions on how to session & have personal contact with Me. IF you consider yourself a “slave” and…
Listen up bitches, there will be NO more NEW video previews from Me on youtube. NOW you’ll go here to get your fix ☛ NiteFlirt, OR Clips4Sale. Yes, indeed. Once again I’ve been censored on youtube: “community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate“… and this little “infraction” makes Me feel Paramount. Obviously…
Happy (In)Dependence Day!
Celebrate this Fourth of July as My servant, and make yourself truly useful to Me. Show your devotion by contributing to My Rightful Independence from bothersome lowly obligations that are expected from the plebeian and proletarian class, a.k.a. you. Summer is in full swing, and you know what that means – YES! It’s summer property…