“Sweet dreams are made of this, Who am I to disagree…”
I knew that branching out to the Internet would prove to be a profitable endeavour for Me, but I must say that I didn’t consider just how much My Personality & My Sensibilities would clash with what’s out there on the web in regards to the whole femdom/fetish industry. For the most part I am really good about minding My Own. My time is limited and My attention is exclusive to what I find interesting & beneficial to My lifestyle… in short I don’t have time, nor do I care for what in essence is a lot of the same hypocritical lame shit that just keeps reemerging & trending as if it was all that special. I do what I do because I enjoy it, because it comes naturally AND because it enriches Me. That’s right, My goal is to make My money from fetish content that is obviously in demand in this industry. And why not!? I know the lifestyle and the professional aspects of FemDom. But that’s besides the point. I think of My future, not about winning the approval of others, or limit Myself by following their ethics. On a grand scale of things, I say to each their own & keep your eyes on your own paper. However, personally I’m getting BORED with playing in this online femdom sandbox full of immature, unimaginative, tedious, superficial, oversaturated, mass produced, 3.99 clips, trolls, tricks & johns.

Back in the day, before W/we all had means to instant access, and in turn instant gratification – which is so mainstream now on this redefined “information superhighway”, there was a kind of underground “mystique” to the D/s & Fetish subculture. There was proper protocol, limited contact and the “play” seemed more intense, more honest, and more memorable… which nowadays is seriously lacking. In part, thanks to the advent of the internet, the opportunity present, and the ease of filling the demand – far too many online “dommes” have been lackadaisical in their approach & dealing with the online “slaves”. The whole dynamic of D/s has mutated into something fueled by impulsive behavior & deluded desperation, eliminating the mystery and intrigue that use to make this lifestyle so exciting & alternative, and been replaced by naïve sense of entitlement based on no authentic self realization, only immitation. Perhaps new or different terms describing what is taking place now should be applied? … When you cut out most of the b.s., the hype, and get down to it – it’s all about providing adult services without establishing much of a relationship, while catering to trending fetishes, and predominantly focusing on satisfying that quick fix & making a fast buck, which in turn leads to bad behavior in both – such as topping from the bottom on one end & performing like a trick pony on the other. But considering that this is virtual reality, the popularity of the “scene”, and the possibility that anyone can be anything, and say anything & stay anonymous (to a certain degree) – it makes sense… Although, I can’t help finding it all a bit ridiculous.

This online industry that takes itself soo seriously, and is made up of many different levels, to Me is looking NOT so real or true to form. In many cases things are NOT what they seem, all you have to do is take a closer look – but who really wants to do that, when W/we’re all self obsessed, greedy bitches. But lets get real for a second. Most of what is advertised today as D/s is frankly fantasy roleplay – and it lasts for as long as the dollar will stretch. In some way W/we’re all smut peddlers, adult entertainers selling & exploiting illusions. Working the scene. Hustlin’ it. The simple fact is that all kinds of workers who are in the adult entertainment industry – aka sex business, ARE sex workers. And this term is not limited to only prostitutes, escorts, or porn stars as what the media likes to focus on, but it also includes the likes of phone sex operators, cam girls, strippers and yes professional Dominas alike – ALL are sex workers. Play for PAY. The encounters are all about getting off or getting as close to it as possible and getting money. This is not real D/s, NOT in the traditional sense; FEMDOM is NOT women doing clips, taking requests, showing off for men who pretend to be submissive just to get off. The end result is money for sexual gratification – one way or another – all the interactions we have online just DO NOT have the depth they would IF they were face to face – and that is why so many act like FOOLS – women & men alike. It’s a shame, and it’s ridiculous. No matter how you like to define it or justify yourself – denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, but “a rose is a rose” and at the end of the day: sex work, is sex work, is sex work. And we’re all part of this industry. IT is obvious that ALL are NOT created equal. And some of those who enter this industry will always be better then others, and justifiably so they should be. So let your true persona shine or ooze through the façade… that is your right in this brave new world. While I sit back, take in the Zeitgeist, and observe the pendulum swing, deciding what to do to eliminate the feeling of boredom, further amuse Myself & ultimately PROFIT.
Thinning the flock from My perspective is necessary: those that are worthwhile & useful stay, those that are a waste, or haven’t been pulling their weight, are gone. Not everyone is worth the time, or effort & I certainly don’t want to keep EVERY fool that has sent Me an instant message or bought My ID’s. I’m a picky snob, I am demanding, and I am too self involved to care about those who have been idle. Now is the time to keep Me impressed, entertained & satisfied. Trial by fire is the quickest way to determine if you have what it takes. Think you can survive the slaughter? I’ll be the judge of that.

I said it before and I will say it again, most of the online so-called slaves DO NOT interest Me because I do not believe they are real, genuine, hardcore submissives. The odds are against you. The internet of today is saturated with worthless lurkers & manipulative wankers using the “slave” label looking for a quick fix, & a handout, all the while trying to get off and hold on to the belief that ‘money paid gets services rendered.’ Sure, but then this is NOT submissions, nor servitude, AND therefore I DO NOT give a fuck unless you can & will pay hard for Me to care. Without a doubt there is a demand, and so those who are willing and able to supply, do – objectifying oneself or another in the name of the game. The standards have been lowered and as the cliché goes: “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”. Online domination for Me is NOT a new frontier, and as the years go by it’s just another plain to exert My natural dominance over the weak male specie. Right about now the famous words: “Don’t fuck with Me fellas. This ain’t my first time at the rodeo” ring true. I’ve learned to profit from My interests, experience & your weaknesses – I will exploit your fetish to My advantage, and process you just as quickly as you troll the web for new material. IF you consider yourself a true submissive, and think you can prove yourself useful to Me – great, you may contact Me via email, and if you’re looking for longterm servitude and/or distance training you are welcome to fill out My slave application.
I’ve been generous and very clear in providing you with ample information. Everything you need to know about Me – My background, My expertise, My experience, My philosophy & what I expect from My online slaves is all here. I created this site for My Own enjoyment, and for My followers who wish to know more about Me; if you’re just curious you are free to join and read along. (IF you’re a female looking to fill in your web text/content you are NOT welcome to use MINE.) I am NOT going to repeat Myself for every brain-dead wanker, lame bitch, nor update everything I do. From NOW on it’s all BUSINESS. For the most part I don’t really care to talk to you, or even know that you exist – UNLESS you can prove yourself worthwhile & useful, and until I have the time to spare. If you want My attention, BUY clips, send a TRIBUTE, and THEN send Me an introductory email; also you may CALL My NiteFlirt or TalkSugar phone lines and pay per minute to speak with Me when I am available, and/or request a webcam session.

Next time when you find yourself wondering why I am not spending ALL My time online like so many others, remind yourself that I don’t need to – I already have a couple of loyal, longterm boys serving Me, and with the rest who contact Me I do whatever I want, based on what they have to contribute, and ONLY when I am in the mood to toy with you. Certainly I’m not here looking for validation, I already know how Fabulous I am. BUT I am Greedy and draining a new wallet ALWAYS puts a big smile on My face. HOWEVER, I’m really tired of the emotional vampires who leech and slut around the web, and the hypocritical thinking that accompanies it. Back that shit right out of here, OR humble yourself, admit your shortcomings & serve proper. you will not get any of My sympathy – playing nice is NOT the name of this game. IF you boys want My attention you know what you have to do to get it – PAY to play. It’s up to you to gain My favour, stay in My good graces, all the while striving to be My good little boys and true servants, not just some little weekend warriors. Otherwise – it’s just business as usual!
“…Everybody’s looking for something.”
I love everything you have said here. it’s very obvious you approach D/s from a loving, thoughtful and academic approach. I cannot tell you the frustration I have had lately with being on Twitter and seeing the “trends” toward abusing really, REALLY obedient and great sub males. Some of them come to me nearly broken or completely put off by the scene. a slave I am working with now has literally not dated in years. I’m glad I found you via [ironically, a Twitter slave RTing your entry] so that I could let you know how much I appreciate the writing and fortitude to stand alone, but stand with a whole lot of other Dommes who really agree. thanks again, Mistress Kelly
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read this long monologue of Mine. :) I have no doubt when You say you’ve had encountered obedient and great subs who have had the misfortune of getting caught up in the trends of the internet… I have too. This “business” does attract a lot of individuals who seem to be emotionally and/or mentally unstable so it’s no wonder they mistreat others they encounter online… and the cycle continues. That’s not to say that every Domme is playing into the trends, not at all, I have met a few amazing online Mistresses whom I respect and admire, and so I appreciate knowing that there is more of Us who share similar views and agree.